men attaching window tint film

Wyoming Window Tint Laws (2024 Update)

If you’re looking to tint your windows but aren’t sure about Wyoming window tint laws, this is for you.

There are specific rules you’ll need to know to make sure you stay within legal limits.

But with a little know-how and understanding, you can drive around with nicely tinted windows with no problems at all.

What You Need to Know About Wyoming Window Tint Laws

Here’s the basics of what drivers like you should know about window tint laws in Wyoming.

The Rules of VLT (Visible Light Transmission) for Wyoming

A certain percentage of light must be able to get through windows to be within the legal limits.

This is known as the VLT (Visible Light Transmission), and every state has its own set of rules for this – this is true for Wyoming as well.

Some states require a higher VLT for legal limits, meaning more light must be able to get through the windows.

For example, an 80% tint means 80% of light can get through.

This is a higher VLT.

On the other hand, a lower VLT would be a 10% tint, which would mean only 10% of light can get through.

Obviously, this equals a darker tint for your window.

So basically, high VLT equals more light and low VLT means less light gets into your car.

Can You Get Pulled Over for Tint in Wyoming?

Yes, you can be pulled over if an officer thinks you may be exceeding the tint limit for Wyoming.

And you can be charged a hefty fine if you aren’t with the legal limits, meaning roughly $150 will be pulled from your pocket if you aren’t careful here.

But as long as you follow the rules behind Wyoming’s tint laws, you won’t be paying any fees at all.

The Two Types of Vehicles Regarding Tint Laws

When you’re trying to determine what tint is legal for your vehicle, first see which of the following is the type you drive.

The first type is a passenger vehicle.

These are your standard cars with less space for both passengers and cargo.

Think hatchbacks, Sedans, and convertibles when it comes to this.

The second type is multi-purpose vehicles, which are designed for multiple people and heavy cargo.

For these types, think SUVs, pickup trucks, vans, and so on.

But if you want to know for sure, just check the federal ID label located on the front left door of your vehicle.

It’ll clarify exactly what your vehicle counts as, whether passenger or multi-purpose.

The Legal “Tint Darkness” Limit for Passenger Vehicles

When it comes to passenger vehicles, the rules are pretty simple.

As long as you remember the key percentage (28%), you’ll be safe to drive around after getting your car tinted.

  • Front Windshield allows non-reflective tint on top 5 inches
  • Front side windows allow up to 28% tint
  • Backside windows allow up to 28% tint
  • Rear windows allow up to 28% tint

The Legal “Tint Darkness” Limit for Multi-Purpose Vehicles

You can afford to be a bit more lax if you have this type of vehicle.

So long as you’re careful with your front side windows, you can pretty much tint to your heart’s desire with the remaining ones.

  • Front Windshield allows non-reflective tint on top 5 inches
  • Front side windows allow up to 28% tint
  • Backside windows allow any tint you want
  • Rear window allows any tint you want

The Legal “Tint Reflection” Limit for Passenger Vehicles

You’ll also need to be careful about how reflective your passenger vehicle is as well, you don’t want to go around blinding people after all.

These are known as “films,” and these also use percentages to determine what’s legally acceptable.

  • Front side windows allow up to 20% reflection
  • Backside windows allow up to 20% reflection

The Legal “Tint Reflection” Limit for Multi-Purpose Vehicles

Luckily, the rules here are basically the same as passenger vehicles.

Just make sure you don’t exceed the 20% rule, and you’ll be golden.

  • Front side windows allow up to 20% reflection
  • Backside windows allow up to 20% reflection

Making Sure Your Vehicle Is Tint Certified

Some states require you have a sticker to prove your tinting is legit – Wyoming does not.

So don’t worry about getting proof or anything of the sort for your windows.

Once your windows are tinted, you’re pretty much set.

Also, the manufacturers of window films don’t need to certify them in the state of Wyoming.

This adds a small element of risk when purchasing tint films for your windows, so use good judgment when getting work done on your vehicle.

Final Considerations When Tinting Your Vehicle

Sometimes it’s required you get extra mirrors when tinting your windows.

In the case of Wyoming, you’ll need to get dual side mirrors if you get your back window tinted.

But other than that, you don’t need to get these extra mirrors unless you want to.

Wyoming also restricts the colors Amber and Yellow but only on your front windshield specifically.

You’re free to add these colors everywhere else.

The last thing you’ll want to know is if you can get a medical exemption for tinted windows.

The answer is “yes,” but you’ll need to get a signed document from a medical professional proving you need it.

But you’ll only need this if you want more than 28% tint for medical reasons.

With all that in mind, you should be fully equipped to get your car tinted if you’d like.

Just follow these tinting guidelines and you’ll be good to go.

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