guy applying car window tint

Montana Window Tint Laws (2024 Update)

There are specific rules by which vehicle operators in Montana must abide in accordance to window tint.

The laws were created in 1991 and then later amended in 2007.

We have provided all the necessary information regarding how reflective or dark your tint can be on a vehicle, as well as additional rules that drivers should be aware of when on the road.

Please continue reading below for more information regarding Montana window tint laws.

Can You Get Pulled Over for Tint in Montana?

In short, yes, drivers can be pulled over in Montana for having a tint that is too dark.

There are some nuances, however, when it comes to the percentages that are allowed.

Below are a few terms that drivers should know, with the corresponding percentage limits for tint darkness on different vehicle types.

What Are the Rules and Regulations for VLT in Montana?

Visible light transmission (VLT) refers to the percentage of light that can pass through your window tint film into your car.

Every state has different limits that are permissible according to the law.

In Montana, the measure of light able to get through your glass is very specific.

The limits are different depending on whether you are operating a multi-purpose or a passenger vehicle.

If you have a higher VLT, that means more light can pass through the tint film.

For example, if you have a 70% tint, this film only lets 70% of the light pass through your glass.

On the other hand, if your tint film only lets 10% of light through, that means that you’ll have a much darker tint on your windows.

While tint affects the amount of light that you see, it also affects the amount of visibility those outside have of the interior of the vehicle.

This means that darker tinted windows allow drivers to be less visible to law enforcement officers, hence window tint typically has regulations around it.

Legal Tint Limit in Montana

As stated, the legal tint limit in Montana varies based on the vehicle type.

Below are the standards for both multi-purpose and passenger vehicles.

Legal tint limit for multi-purpose vehicles:

  • Rear Window: Any percentage of tint darkness is allowed.
  • Back Side Windows: Any percentage of tint darkness is allowed.
  • Front Side Windows: Tint darkness is permissible up to 24%.
  • Front Windshield: Tint must be non-reflective and permissible above the vehicle producer’s AS-1 line.

Legal tint limit for passenger vehicles in Montana:

  • Rear Window: Tint darkness is permissible up to 14%.
  • Back Side Windows: Tint darkness is permissible up to 14%.
  • Front Side Windows: Tint darkness is permissible up to 24%.
  • Front Windshield: Tint must be non-reflective and is permissible above the vehicle producer’s AS-1 line.

Window Tint Reflection Laws in Montana

Aside from providing a certain level of darkness, the window tint can also reduce heat and glares while reflecting incoming light.

Montana window tint law allows a specific window reflection amount, so drivers must be mindful of this regulation as well.

Legal tint reflection for multi-purpose vehicles:

  • Front Side Windows: Cannot be higher than 35% reflective.
  • Back Side Windows: Cannot be higher than 35% reflective.

Legal tint reflection for passenger vehicles:

  • Front Side Windows: Cannot be higher than 35% reflective.
  • Back Side Windows: Cannot be higher than 35% reflective.

Additional Tint Rules and Regulations in Montana

Regarding the tinting, there are a few other exceptions enacted in Montana.

We have listed them below for your reference.

Please be sure that your vehicle meets all requirements before driving in Montana to reduce the risk of legal consequences.

Is it necessary to have side mirrors when driving in Montana?

Dual side mirrors are a requirement in Montana in the instance there is tinting in the back window.

Is it illegal to have colored tint in Montana?

Red, yellow, and amber are the only tint colors that are not allowed in Montana.

Are there any window tint certification laws that I should know of if I live in Montana?

It is unnecessary to certify the tint film if you are a tint manufacturer in Montana.

Does Montana law require a certified tint sticker from the company that installed my tint?

Though recommended by state law, you are not required to place a sticker on your window to verify whether the tint film is legal.

Are there any medical exemptions for window tint in Montana?

There are special window tint laws for medical purposes in Montana.

If you need more information regarding the specific details of the exemption, please contact your local DMV.

What are the penalties associated with having a tint that’s too dark on your vehicle?

This will be considered a misdemeanor offense, and you’ll pay a fine of up to $500.

This fine can be the only penalty, or an additional six-month sentence in county jail can accompany it (Montana law 46-18-212).


Remember that drivers must adhere to the tint laws in Montana for both tint darkness and reflection.

It’s important to ensure that you’ve read and fully understand the regulations before deciding to tint your car windows.

For more information on driving laws and regulations in the state of Montana, please read here for more information.

Disclaimer: Keep in mind that Montana tint laws are subject to change daily, and these laws may be different from county to county or city to city.

We recommend that you double-check the information presented here with your local law enforcement agency or DMV for accuracy.

The data relating to Montana tint laws was most recently updated on the 28th of February, 2021.

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