car tint installation

Wisconsin Window Tint Laws (2024 Update)

There are a number of reasons why many drivers enjoy tinted windows, particularly in the summer when temperatures can get very high.

Not only do they keep your car cool, but they can also reduce glare and create a much safer driver experience.

Unfortunately, every state has different laws surrounding this topic.

So what are the Wisconsin window tint laws, and can you get pulled over for tint in Wisconsin?

Read on to find out all you need to know.

Wisconsin State Law and VLT

VLT, or Visible Light Transmission, measures the amount of light that can pass through your window.

For example, a 50% tint will let half of the light filter through, while a 20% tint will only allow one-fifth of the original light to enter your vehicle.

The lower the percentage, the darker the window will be.

Each state has a different set of rules and regulations that stipulate the level of Visible Light Transmission that is allowable.

Wisconsin Window Tint Laws for Passenger and Multi-Purpose Vehicles

For passenger vehicles, which include both sedans and SUVs or vans, there are different laws for every type of window.

Your front windshield can have a non-reflective tint above the manufacturer’s AS-1 line, but the other windows can have various levels of window tint.

Both the back windshield and the rear passenger windows must let at least 35% of the light in, while the front passenger windows must have a VLT above 50%.

It is also important to note that your film is not allowed to be reflective, no matter what the VLT is.

Although reflective windows can reduce glare and heat, they can be dangerous for other drivers, so the state prohibits them.

On the other hand, there is no restriction when it comes to color, so you can choose your shade of tint freely.

Further Regulations and Laws in Wisconsin

There are some other laws and regulations to consider before making a decision about your level and type of window tint.

Remember that dual side mirrors will be required if you have chosen a tint that is lower than 60% VLT.

It’s also worth noting that a tint variance of 3% is allowed.

When selling you their products, film manufacturers are not required to certify their film, so it is up to you to know what type of tint you are buying.

Stickers that identify tint are also not necessary at the moment.

It is important to keep in mind that all of these rules can change over time and can be interpreted differently in your local area.

That’s why you must do your own research and consult an expert before making a final choice.

Window Tint Laws and Medical Exemptions

In the state of Wisconsin, medical exemptions are allowable, which means that you could get darker tinted windows if you have a medical condition that requires this.

This is because it can be much safer for you to drive your car with tinted windows if you have a sensitivity to sunlight.

In particular, this is the case for people who may incur immediate and life-threatening damage from UV rays.

To benefit from this fact, you must have a waiver and a physician’s signed statement.

You are likely to qualify for exemption if you suffer from conditions such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Cockayne Syndrome, Bloom Syndrome, or Albinism.

This is not an exhaustive list and you may have another condition that requires dark, tinted windows.

If in doubt, check with your physician.


Now that you know the window tint laws in Wisconsin, you may have some further questions, such as whether tinted windows are really a good idea and whether you can get pulled over if you break these regulations.

Let’s examine these frequently asked questions so that you can make the best decision for your situation.

Why Is Window Tint Beneficial?

For many people, the hassle of following all of these regulations is worth it because tinted windows don’t only make driving more pleasant, but also much safer.

For one, there is the issue of squint, which can cause you to lose vision and potentially miss something important on the road.

You may also be distracted if the temperature is not adequate.

But maybe more importantly, exposure to the sun in cars is a bigger problem than most people realize.

Sunburn, skin cancer, and melanoma are serious risks of driving in the sun for prolonged periods of time, and unlike sunglasses, tinted windows can protect your whole body.

Can You Get Pulled Over for Tint in Wisconsin?

Unless the officer in question can demonstrate an ability to distinguish between illegally and legally tinted windows, this is not a valid reason for you to be pulled over.

In general, it is therefore not legal to be pulled over for this reason if there is no other valid concern.

However, it is still worth abiding by the laws. In case your windows are found to be too dark, you are likely to face a fine of $175.30.

Tinted windows have a number of important advantages, such as blocking the sun’s damaging UV rays and allowing you to avoid glare.

However, they can be dangerous for drivers if they are too dark, so every state has different laws surrounding this feature.

Fortunately, Wisconsin window tint laws are fairly straightforward, and by following these simple guidelines, you can enjoy your window tint in a way that’s safe for both you and other drivers.

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