applying window tint to car

Minnesota Window Tint Laws (2024 Update)

Every state has different window tint laws regulating how dark and reflective your window tint is allowed to be.

To avoid getting pulled over or receiving a ticket, it’s a good idea to learn about the window tint laws before visiting a new state.

If you’re moving to Minnesota or even just passing through, you should consider: what are Minnesota’s window tint laws?

Why are they important? Can you get pulled over for tint in Minnesota?

How much can you be ticketed for? What else should I know about window tint laws?

We’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about Minnesota’s window tint restrictions.

Legal VLT Limit in Minnesota

VLT stands for Visible Light Transmission and refers to the percentage of light that can pass through your car’s tinted window.

The higher the VLT percentage, the more light passes through the window’s film.

Minnesota’s VLT requirements vary between the type of car and car window, so it is critical to pay extra attention to which type of car requires what VLT percentage.

Passenger Vehicles

For passenger vehicles, Minnesota law states that there is no tint allowed on the front windshield.

There must be at least 50% VLT or more on the front and back seat side windows and at least 50% VLT on the rear windshield.

Multi-Purpose Vehicles

For multi-purpose vehicles, Minnesota law states that there is no tint allowed on the front windshield.

There must be at least 50% VLT or more on the front seat side windows, and any amount of tint darkness is allowed on the back seat side windows and rear windshield.

Squad Cars, Limousines, and Funeral Establishment-Owned Vehicles

For vehicles such as squad cars, limousines, and vehicles owned by a funeral establishment, Minnesota law states that there is no tint allowed on the front windshield.

There are no limits or regulations on the VLT percentage for any of these cars’ side or rear windows.

Why Have Window Tint Laws?

Window tint laws are essential because dark window tint can obstruct your vision at night or during harsh weather.

Additionally, if a law enforcement officer pulls you over, they must be able to at least somewhat see inside the car.

Following the window tint restrictions will prevent you from getting a ticket and help keep everyone on the road safe.

Can You Get Pulled Over for Window Tint?

You can get pulled over in Minnesota if an officer suspects that your window tint is too dark.

State officers have tint meters that check the tint percentage of your window and verify whether your window tint is following Minnesota law.

For this reason, it is best to ensure that you are following tint rules sooner rather than later.

Generally, there is a 3% tint variance allowed, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

How Much Can You Be Ticketed For?

Generally, if an officer determines that your window tint is not in compliance with Minnesota law, you will be issued either a warning or a ticket.

If it is not your first time being pulled over for your window tint, the state will have your previous citations and warnings on file and will give you a ticket.

Ticket fines can be anywhere between $50 to $200 depending on your county and increase in price each time you are pulled over for a violation.

Additionally, it can be expensive to take off or change the window tint on your car, so it is worth saving yourself time and money before it’s too late.

Other Information

There are several other laws regarding window tint in Minnesota, such as colors, exemptions, certifications, and more.

Window tint comes in several colors, including red, blue, green, yellow, and more!

If you are a car owner who opts for one of these funky tints, you have nothing to worry about: all colors of tints are legal in the state of Minnesota, as long as they abide by the VLT restrictions.

In the state of Minnesota, medical exemptions for special tint are permitted, but to ensure that you don’t get a citation, it is always best to carry proof with you to show an officer should you get pulled over.

A prescription or document from your doctor explaining the special tint will work as proof, so you should always keep a copy in your car just in case.

This document must state the minimum VLT percentage you are allowed on your vehicle to satisfy your medical needs and have an expiration date.

The expiration date can be no more than two years after the date that the document was issued.

Window tint manufacturers are not legally obligated to certify the film they sell in the state of Minnesota, so having a certificate from the manufacturer is not necessary.

However, it is legally required to have a sticker on your car window to identify legal tinting.

This sticker should go between the film and the glass on your driver’s side window.

Failure to have this sticker can also result in a warning or citation.

Window tint laws tend to change over time and can even change from one day to the next.

Additionally, these laws and restrictions can vary between counties, and even cities, so it is always best to check with your local DMV or law enforcement agencies for the most accurate and up-to-date information possible.

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