guy installing window tint

Alaska Window Tint Laws (2024 Update)

If you like privacy while you’re in your car, then you probably have a set of window tints.

Whether your tints are stickers or dyed, or one of the four other types of auto window tinting, it can be challenging to remain in accordance with the law.

Depending on the state you’re in, the tints you have could be illegal and cause you a hefty fine.

To avoid expensive penalties, tinted-car drivers around the nation need to be aware of all the rules and regulations state by state.

The same goes for the final frontier up north.

Alaska is more road than civilization, with more wilderness and roads connecting it than any other state.

Alaska’s window tint laws are unique in some ways, and in others, they fall in line with the rest of the country.

Read our article below to find out everything you need to know.

Determine the Tint Percentage on Your Car

Before we can get into the specifics of Alaskan window tint law, we need to establish the tint percentage on your car.

Without this metric, all the legal information is useless. You don’t need a unique tool or laser beam to figure it out.

Tints are measured by visible light transmission or VLT.

This measurement is essentially the multiplication of the original tint your window had by the additional tint you applied.

For example, if your windows had a factory tint of 40% and you added 5% to it, you would have a tint of 2%.

That would mean only about 2% of light can pass through your window.

The lower the percentage, the darker your tint will be.

You can find the original tint percentage in your car’s manual or from the dealership/individual where you bought it.

The additional tint you choose will be based on how dark you want your windows to be.

A 50% tint is already pretty dark because it blocks out about 50% of the light passing through. 5% tints are some of the darkest on the market, and limousine drivers typically use them to protect their passengers’ privacy.

Alaska Tint Laws

Alaska tint laws are specific to the part of the car where the tint is and the model of vehicle you’re driving.

To understand, you need to know some term definitions.

“Front-side windows” apply to the passenger and driver side windows of the car.

“Back-side windows” are for the two rear windows.

The rear window is self-explanatory, and although you won’t have a tint on your windshield, you might have a “shade band” on the top five inches of it.

Finally, “reflective tints” refer to metallic-colored tints which reflect light.

They are illegal in many states.

Passenger Vehicles

Passenger vehicles include basic car models that seat ten people or less.

Standard models include Sedan, Coupe, Hatchback, Convertible, Station Wagon, and Hardtop.

  • Windshield: Top five inches allowed for shade band. Non-reflective tints only.
  • Front-side windows: 70% VLT or more
  • Back-side windows: 40% VLT or More
  • Rear window: 40% VLT or more

Multi-Purpose Vehicles

Multi-purpose vehicles are cars, trucks, and trailers which serve a purpose beyond just transporting passengers from point A to B.

Some standard models include SUVs, RVs, and campers, panels, vans, minibusses, and pick-up trucks.

  • Windshield: Top five inches allowed for shade band. Non-reflective tints only.
  • Front-side windows: 70% VLT or more
  • Back-side windows: 40% VLT or More
  • Rear window: 40% VLT or more

Other Alaska Tint Laws

If you drive with tints, you know there are other regulations to be aware of beyond just VLT.

Traffic police can pull you over for having the wrong color or having a brand of tint that isn’t certified in the state.

Read about all the various tint regulations in Alaska below.

Side Mirrors

While side mirrors don’t directly relate to your tints, it’s common for people in the car customization community to want to alter the basic appearance of their car.

In Alaska the left side mirror is required.

You’ll also need a right-side mirror or a mirror in the car’s interior, preferably towards the center.

Window Tint Certification

In some states, driving with uncertified tints is a crime and can get you in a lot of trouble.

Alaska does not distinguish between certified and uncertified.

You can drive with tints from any manufacturer as long as they meet the VLT specifications.

You also will not require a window tint certification sticker in Alaska.

Legal Tint Colors in Alaska

It is possible to have different color tints in Alaska, but they have narrowed the options to four colors:

  • grey
  • bronze
  • green, and
  • smoke-colored

Medical Exemptions

People who spend a lot of time in their vehicle and want to escape the hours on end of sunlight in Alaska (in some parts, daytime can last for weeks) might be able to bypass these tint laws.

If you travel in your car for the majority of your day, you might be eligible for a medical exemption and can get darker tints.

Can You Get Pulled Over for Tint in Alaska?

Yes. Like, any other police, Alaskan police reserve the right to pull over drivers whose tints seem darker than the legal limit.

After pulling you over, the officer will do a test on the VLT of your tints and if they’re too dark, you will be subject to a fine.

Wrap Up

Alaska is a great state full of wondrous wilderness and beautiful roadways.

You don’t want to ruin your time there with any unwanted fines.

Follow the regulations, and you’ll have a private vehicle that looks cool and is entirely legal.

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